The established business leader's guide to easy decisions, rock solid confidence and guaranteed return for effort. Your life and work gets to be EASEFUL and FULFILLING (even if you want to virtual nomad for a season). No more waking up exhausted and overwhelmed at what (never ending) to do list item to tackle first.
In this 4-week Life and Business course setting program, you will build YOUR personal Beacon that always makes deciding your next right move easy
Kicks Off 24th January, 2024
Total Value $2,470 Pricing is currently $62 excl. GST
This highly discounted investment is for this initial round ONLY. Future rounds will have a significantly different investment.
Does This Sound Like YOU?
You HAVE or WANT a successful business (or career) that GIVES you vibrancy and life rather than sucking it out of you.
You crave deeply fulfilling work that achieves more for your clients, BUT in a sustainable way. You want to wake up raring to go and excited to get into work, AND be able to switch off to be present in your life. You want freedom from your to do list, flexibility to get to the school events, and soul filling happiness, on your terms.
The Established Service- Based Business Founder. 
You are a hostage to your own success - fully booked with no time to work 'on' the business (or enjoy life)
the peaks and troughs are unmanageable and you feel like you can never say no to work because 'what if there isn't more?'.

You're dreaming of a better way where you don't have to sacrifice your life for your work. Actually, you want to find a way to feel excited and enthusiastic about your work again, whether it's the same or different. But your confidence has taken a hit and your wondering 'is this where is top out or tap out?'

The Executive or Professional Leader.
You have built an enviable career in the corporate world and have reached THE role or level you once thought would be 'IT'.

Which is great, but you are secretly wondering 'is this all there is?!' You are looking for the next role, while dreaming of one day building a portfolio career or doing your own thing.

When's the right time to exit corporate? Where are you going to get the energy to pursue the next role up? Now that the kids schooling isn't a factor, maybe you can do what you really want?

Which is .......πŸ€”

Want the Truth?
Your path to a deeply fulfilling life of calm, easeful success and next level impact, isn't:

πŸ–€ Seeking out more information, tools or frameworks to solve your problem. You DON'T need more knowledge;
πŸ–€ Hiring a business mentor to build a plan that doesn't work for your core needs or goals; or
πŸ–€ That new marketing strategy, social media trend or offer.

πŸ–€ And DEFINITELY NOT working harder.

Instead? It's taking a beat to decide what YOU want out of business and life. That is, its slowing down to speed up (warp speed sound good?). 

This means knowing where you uniquely want to land, so that you can make smart choices that actually make that a reality. Its not "what's the next right step?" It's "where the hell do I want to go anyway?".
I promise you don't need that new plan or New Years resolutions. At least not yet. FIRST, you need to build your beacon, or program your GPS. The rest gets to be easy.
My Mission: To Help You Design Life and Work that you Enjoy NOW and are PROUD OF later.
WHY am I so passionate about this?
Perhaps like you, I've invested time, energy, and money in pursuing goals, roles and projects that I thought would be 'it'. The result? Burnout, chasing my tail, landing great things and not loving them. 
 I've also worked with countless clients who have amazing roles, businesses and impact, yet are tired, unfulfilled, lacking in confidence and chasing the one next thing to fix it.

We do this because we have been sold a picture of success that doesn't fit us. AND we've never been taught how to design our own wildly amazing and aligned business, work and life.

By building this Beacon you will be able to make easy decisions without all the ruminating so that you can achieve more in less time. AND enjoy the ride. Because you are smart, capable, hardworking. You just want to know that all that effort will be worth it in the end. Right?

The world needs your genius. And it doesn't have to be hard. I promise.

Building your Beacon (or end game) is the BEST way to make your next move ALWAYS clear.
HOW? When you have a clear destination for your life and business, you know how to dance with what the world gives you - regardless of what may change (hello global pandemic, economic downturn, political unrest).

Here's the rub, though.

YOUR beacon will be unique to you, which is why what worked for Sally over there isn't working for you. Different strokes for different folks. You AREN'T Sally. And you probably don't want the same things anyway.

In a world that overwhelms us with information, choices and constant change, being able to quickly focus in on what YOU need to do next,  really is a SUPERPOWER (and ultimate competitive edge).

What You'll Learn In This Program:
HOW to quickly and easily nut out your version of 'the good life', and  your unique wants and needs.
In a way, we write the story of your magnificent life so you can easily see the aligned choices.  

Our aim? To trade in the generic measures of success for ones that are so highly tailored to you they fit like a glove. From there we spotlight the old programming, beliefs, ways of working and habits that are not aligned with the end goal so that we can leave them behind. 

What got you here WON'T get you there - but you already know that.

The vehicle? A set of criteria and 'checklists' that allow you to face any curveball or decision and easily make the move that gets you closer to your endgame (or La Dolce Vita).

This Beacon is your guide.

It makes explicit all the things you have been navigating towards by gut feel. Putting language to it and bringing it out into the light is the supercharge you are looking for.

Here's The Sort of Thing We Will Cover
Note: The exact inclusions are subject to change based on the
flow of the four weeks and what you need!
Week One β€”
Main Character Energy
  • Discover where you are now and which of two life models you are running. This tells you what you are solving for (because you want to land on better, not the same).
  • Create a map of YOU in full Main Character energy. Get reacquainted with your magnificence so that you don't fall into writing yourself a supporting role.
Week Two β€”
Your Wildest Dreams
  • Get super clear on the future you deeply desire (not what you thought you SHOULD have) so you can make it real.

  • Clearly see the gap between where you are, what you are doing and what you are desiring to magnify your motivation.
Week Three β€”
Building Your Beacon
  • Craft explicit decision tools (and know how to use them) so that you never struggle to pick the right path forward again. Overwhelm be GONE!

  • Practically apply your Beacon to a current need so we build your ability to DO not just KNOW. 
Week Four -
Your Business, But Better
  • Discover the easy ways to take consistent action that creates the business you bounce out of bed for (and hit the pillow again feeling fulfilled and proud to run).

  • Leverage your Beacon and wildest dreams to craft (or re-craft) 2024 goals or plans that deliver ease and 'Verve popping worthy' results.
Week Five β€”
Bonus Live Celebration
+ Block Blaster
  • We will toast and celebrate the action you have taken! Imperfect action wins everytime, and I want to give you a BIG hi-five.
  • You'll also get a juicy bonus session on blasting through any blocks so that you get to ease and drool worthy success faster.
Week One β€”
Main Character Energy
  • Discover where you are now and which of two life models you are running. This tells you what you are solving for (because you want to land on better, not the same).
  • Create a map of YOU in full Main Character energy. Get reacquainted with your magnificence so that you don't fall into writing yourself a supporting role.
Week Two β€”
Your Wildest Dreams
  • Get super clear on the future you deeply desire so you can make it real

  • Clearly see the gap between where you are, what you are doing and what you are desiring to magnify your motivation.
Week Three β€”
Building Your Beacon
  • Craft explicit decision tools so that you never struggle to pick the right path forward again.
  • Practically apply your Beacon to a current need so we build your ability to DO not just KNOW.
Week Four - 
Your Business, But Better
  • Discover the easy ways to take consistent action that creates the business you bounce out of bed for.
  • Leverage your Beacon and wildest dreams to craft (or re-craft) 2024 goals or plans that deliver ease and Verve popping worthy results.
Week Five β€”Bonus Live Celebration+Block Blaster
  • We will toast and celebrate the action you have taken! Imperfect action wins everytime, and I want to give you a BIG hi-five.
  • You'll also get a juicy bonus session on blasting through any blocks so that you get to ease and drool worthy success faster.
This $62 Program Includes:
  • Lesson Drops Over Four Weeks β€” Four LIVE short but thought-provoking lessons to help you build your personal life blueprint (the Beacon) making business EASEFUL and FULFILLING (even if you decamp to the south of France for the summer) Value $1,799
  • Accompanying Workbook β€” Step-by-step digital workbook with actionable exercises to complete to create your decision criteria and life Beacon. [Value $179]
  • Private Community β€” Access to a PRIVATE Community with Your Mini-Minders for the duration of the Program [Value Priceless]
  • Crystal Clear Clarity β€” on your version of a fully lived fulfilling life so you don't stay stuck on the hamster wheel  (this is the most important work you will ever do).
Total Valueβ€” $2,470  Currently $62.00 excl. GST.
Why so cheap? This is the FIRST time I am running this and I really want to get your feedback. The next time Beacon is run, the investment will be significantly higher.
The Details
Super low investment of $62 as a gift to help you ALWAYS know your next right move
LIVE Weekly lesson sessions and community
Build your personalised Beacon so that you know the ultimate desitination and your next right move
Women leading established service-based businesses
It's time to build your Beacon and allow 2024 (and beyond) to be your Most Wildly Successful and Easeful year yet.